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Michael P Mau réincarnation de Henry Stell Olcott

Auteur prolifique et créateur de vidéos riches en contenu ésotérique explicatif, que l'on peut retrouver sur son site primaire: Basé sur la Thésophie de Helena Blatvatsky.

On y retrouve des sujets aussi variés que:


Introduction to the Deva Kingdom

The Externalization of the Hierarchy

Sanat Kumara The Head of The Spiritual Hierarchy for Planet Earth

Amon Ra The God of our Solar System

I AM the Divine Spark that links each of us directly with the God of our Solar System, Amon Ra

The Spiritual Hierarchy Part 1 The great beings of Kumaras, Buddhas, Masters of the Wisdom link us in yet another way to the Love-Wisdom-Will of our Solar God

The Spiritual Hierarchy Part 2

The Spiritual Hierarchy- An exloration of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth

Masters of Wisdom: Masters of the Great Brotherhood of Light fill the ranks of the Spiritual Hierarchy, working tirelessly for our spiritual evolution

The Number Seven in our World

The Number 7 (Septenary Principle)- The number 7 is one of the building blocks of how our solar system is constructed. This concept comes from the Seven Rays that emanate from the Sun, the hierarch of our solar system.

The Seven Planes and the Astral World

The Seven Rays: Embodiment of the One Life

There is No Death- Presentation on the fallacies abounding today about the concept of Death.


Earth Changes

Cycles Part 1

Cycles Part 2 (under construction)

Acceleration This determines the speed of our transition into a new cycle

The Grand Solar Cycle: Exploration of Cycles and Evolution

War- What can we do? How we view war as we transit into the new cycle.

The DF- History and background of the Dark Forces

Protection from Dark Forces

Gold Today- What you should know about Gold now and its important role in the entering new cycle to come.

Paper Money as the Middleman

Gold and Big Oil


Selfishness and Sacrifice

Aligning to Amon Ra

The Normalcy Bias

Spiritual Discernment, Telling the Truth from the Lie

Opening the Doors Of Spiritual Blindness: A Prison with No Keys

The In Breath Meditation...Contacting Your God Within

Etheric Vision

Recognizing Entity Possession in today's world (A para-psychological viewpoint)

Finding your Soul Mission back to the basics of why you incarnated at this time

Lightbearers Part 1- What is a Lightbearer? For the past two centuries hundreds of thousands of lightbearers have been born on Earth in anticipation of humanity's transition to a new age.

Lightbearers Part 2- How a Lightbearer can help the Spiritual Hierarchy

Evolution of Consciousness-We explore how far the evolution of consciousness in you can take place on Planet Earth.

An Introduction to the 7 Bodies of Man you are not one but seven different bodies that should be aligned in order to serve the Spiritual Hierarchy

The Spiritual Triad

The Astral Body

Etheric Body

The Lower Mental Body

The Basics of Initiation: Initiations are the milestones that indicate where you are in your journey of spiritual return

Meditation: Exploration of meditation; the purpose, methods and outcomes to help you on your journey of return

Esoteric Truth about Gold: The effects on spiritual enhancement.

Entity Possession: How entity possession tries to prevent your spiritual return. How to avoid and get rid of them.

The Bardo: Exploration of the state of Bardo

Serait la réincarnation de Henry Stell Olcott qui était un des bras droits de Helena Blavatsky (fondatrice de la Société Théosophique)

On peut donc lire sur son site: :

The medium remained silent for quite a long time. Finally, he explained, "I have asked the question five times to Sir Arthur and the Council of Six and each time I received the same answer. The fifth time, they even flashed a picture of the person you had been in a previous incarnation." The medium took a deep breath and looked at me seriously. "I do not take lightly what I am about to say but I have verified it five times. You were Henry Steel Olcott in a previous incarnation."

Et plus loin ( il écrit:

Like all human organisation that has accomplished its purpose, the Theosphical Society will limp along in a slow death as this last generation passes. Personal agendas have overtaken the selflessness of the original founders. In answer to the question posed to me upon entering the TS premises, my feeling is that this organisation has run its course and could not adapt to the coming earth changes and world financial meltdown. The only reason it still exists is because certain elements in the society see it as a personal benefit to keep it going.

Il a aussi créé un autre site pour les élèves plus avancés:

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