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Jack Schwartz

Aletheia Foundation was founded by Jack Schwarz, pioneer in the holistic health field educator, philosopher, N.D., author, minister, and humanitarian—an example of Divine Love Realized. He was known as a Western Yogi for his self-regulation abilities (biofeedback and voluntary controls), active meditation techniques, human energy fields abilities (aura and rays), human energy centres abilities (chakras), optimal and alternative health (medicine), teaching of the importance of energy and radiance, spirit, mind, brain, and body studies, healing, and humanistic psychology. Jack Schwarz was often called a healer at which he would reply that he could only give you a map to heal yourself and refused the title of healer.

In 1943 just before his 19th birthday, Jack Schwarz began travelling around as a fakir: which at the time was defined as someone who performed extraordinary acts with the human body, such as lying on a bed of nails naked or walking across hot coals barefoot. His act included piercing his skin with needles and making the wounds heal, dancing on swords, and holding red-hot coals in his hands. He would also use hypnosis on audience members to the delight of crowds. Jack immigrates to the United States in 1957.

In 1958 Jack Schwarz founded the Aletheia Psycho-Physical Foundation. The Aletheia Psycho-Physical Foundation is a non-profit organization founded for the research and practice of holistic studies. Their primary fields of study are brainwaves and Autogenic, which is where Progressive Muscle Relaxation is derived from. The Aletheia Psycho-Physical Foundation is still in operation today in Grants Pass, Oregon.

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